After installing DFE make sure to configure it correctly, especially hosts like Postgres and dalmatinerdb are important!
Starting with 14.4.0 Datasets, Joyent introduced signed packages.
In order to install Dalmatiner frontend from the latest pre-built binary, the Project-FiFo public key is required and can be installed with the following commands:
curl -O
gpg --primary-keyring /opt/local/etc/gnupg/pkgsrc.gpg --import < fifo.gpg
gpg --keyring /opt/local/etc/gnupg/pkgsrc.gpg --fingerprint
Key verification
The key id is BB975564 and the fingerprint CE62 C662 67D5 9129 B291 62A0 ADDF 278A BB97 5564 should be returned respectively.
The Dalmatiner frontend SmartOS package can be installed from the Project-FiFo repository, using pkgin:
VERSION='dev' # use 'rel' for release packages
echo "${VERSION}" >>/opt/local/etc/pkgin/repositories.conf
pkgin -fy up
pkgin install dalmatinerfe # To install the frontend package
svcadm enable epmd # To enable epmd
svcadm enable dalmatiner/fe # To enable dalmatinerfe
From source
These dependencies should be met before installing from source:
- Erlang R19
- Git
- G++
- Make
The following instructions will create a self-contained build of DalmatinerDB:
git clone
cd dalmatiner-frontend
./rebar3 release
TARGET_DIRECTORY=/usr/local # or where your OS stores local binaries
cp -r _build/prod/rel/dalmatinerfe $TARGET_DIRECTORY
cd $TARGET_DIRECTORY/dalmatinerfe
cp etc/dalmatinerfe.conf.example /data/dalmatinerfe/etc/dalmatinerfe.conf
vi /data/dalmatinerfe/etc/dalmatinerfe.conf # check the settings and adjust if needed
mkdir /data/dalmatinerfe/log/
if [ ! -f "${OT}" ]
echo "none() -> drop." > ${OT}
chown -R dalmatiner /data/dalmatinerfe/log/ /data/dalmatinerfe/etc
./bin/dalmatinerfe start
Dalmatiner user
DalmatinerFrontend by default expects to run as the user dalmatiner, this can be changed or disabled by changing/removing the bin/dalmatinerfe file’s entry RUNNER_USER.
This user should have read access to the etc directory and read/write access to the logs directories.
Configuration changes
In order for configuration changes to take effect, the service must be restarted.
Updated almost 7 years ago